All 4 Kidz Inc Has Four Pillars
The four pillars on which All4Kidz is built are emotional healing, leadership, mentoring and summer programs.
Emotional Healing Program
All 4 Kidz Emotional Healing Program weekly meetings focus on helping the youth heal from past traumas, learn leadership skills which they can apply in their communities and mentor each other in peer-to-peer settings.
Foster care youth have all experienced childhood trauma in their lives: abandonment, poverty, housing insecurity, food insecurity, and lack of parental role models. Unless they are able to heal from this trauma, they won’t be able to reach their full life potential. Weekly group meetings help youth discuss issues of trauma and to explore ways to heal from the scars this trauma has caused.
Leadership Program
All 4 Kidz leadership discussions center on how to be a leader in one’s own life, as well as what it means to be a leader in the community and a citizen of the United States. Our youth have been invited by local radio station WNOV 860am to discuss issues of poverty, racism, and unemployment in Milwaukee and to explore positive ways to make our City a better place to live and work. We attended a get out the vote with Representative Lena Taylor in Milwaukee to raise awareness of the importance of voting and making the community’s voices heard. We had the joy of hosting an ice cream social at a Germantown health facility which primarily assisted memory care patients. What a joy to spread Christmas joy to those who needed additional care and comfort. And, we’ve attended legislative meetings in Madison to raise awareness to issues in the foster care system. .
Mentor Program
All 4 Kidz Mentor Program provides youth mentors the opportunity to help guild another youth and be an extra support. They mentor youth at middle schools. They are signed to up to three youth at a time to mentor, guild, support and be responsible for. Some of the things the youth mentors work on is good communication skills, reducing conflict, listening skills, strategy training, empathy, reliable, healthy relationship building , and consistency. They are trained to understand why being a mentor is important. One of the most important things roles of the youth mentors are setting goals with the youth and tracking the progress.
Summer Program
All 4 Kidz summer program consist of lots of fun. Outside activities such as; going to the lake for lunch, parks, and golfing. We do community activities such as; community clean ups, community BBQ, participate in Juneteenth, etc. The summer program has many fieldtrip's like, bowling, skating, fine dining, humans society, downtown library, museums etc.